I sat outside in the lobby of family court where divorce and custody are dealt with.
Several other families also waited for their cases to be called.
Everyone seemed to be calm, and most were even pleasant.
Yet, inside everyone, tension was high. Passion seethed. Smiles veiled anger and hurt.
Some even laughed or chuckled, it was obviously forced.
Life isn’t always calm or pleasant, even when it seems so. And family court isn’t the only
place it’s that way.
I suppose it’s when stakes are highest that I need to remind myself that Jesus is my true
help. He has been there—and He is here.
So, I may be anxious, but I need not be worried. There is a difference.
“Don’t let your heart be troubled. You believe in God. Believe also in me.” He said.
(John 14:1)
Dave ‘Tud’ Nance