“Spooky Books”

I like reading spooky books.

One author wrote: “Scary stories sell because everyone fears a lot of things that won’t happen. Even things that have no chance of happening.”

I suppose, for myself, my life is so blessed that I enjoy moments of anxiety with the characters of the movie. But if I were mired in anguish and fear for real, I’d not be interested in a scary book.

The spiritual difference is that I have hope. A deep hope because, in Christ, “all things work together for good.” I pray I can maintain this faith.

Romans 8.28

Dave “Tud” Nance
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“Spiritual Training”

Michael Jordan was a great basketball player. Then he decided to play professional baseball. However he never got past the mid-level minor leagues.

How’s it possible? He’s one of the most talented athletes on earth!

Simple: training and discipline. Arguably, one of the hardest tasks in sports is to hit a baseball thrown by a professional pitcher. Those who can, succeed only because in addition to their talent they’ve trained since they were adolescents.

How can I expect to “reach a good standing and great boldness” without practicing spiritual disciplines of prayer, reading, submission, etc.?

1 Timothy 3:13

Dave “Tud” Nance
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“Slow. Steady. Constant.”

I planted a row of bushes to become a hedge, but I have to water them. It takes over an hour to soak the roots.

So, rather than standing there with a hose, I thought I’d get a soaker hose to slowly drip water hour after hour, which is what the garden center recommended.

It’s like Paul said to Timothy: pay attention to reading…to doctrine…meditate on these things, give yourself entirely to these things.

Slow. Steady. Constant. The living water will reach my spiritual roots. It’ll change my life.

1 Timothy 4:13-16

Dave “Tud” Nance
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“Moldy Potato Chips”

Moldy potato chips!?! No kidding. I should’ve eaten them before they bloomed in ugly green spots.
Then my mind turned to thinking of how my love might have that “moldy flavor” too.
When my “love” for Jesus is just love for what He does for me.
When my “love” for my neighbor is actually loving the good feeling in my heart.
When my “love” for truth is, if the truth be told, love for correcting the ignorant. 
But, Jesus calls me to genuine love. Love for Him, for you, and for the truth.

Luke 10:27
Dave “Tud” Nance
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“Lunch, Anyone?”

Over the years, I’ve helped with camps.  Some were Christian youth camps, some Boy Scout, others band camps.
Every day, the staff announced “Come, lunch is ready,” but there were always stragglers who ignored the call.
When they finally came, they got only the left-overs. They weren’t happy.
Similarly, “The Spirit and the Bride say, Come!”
Jesus reminds us to “Let whoever wants to, partake of the waters of life freely!”
So I remind myself daily to heed His invitation to the living waters. I won’t be happy with the left-overs of this world.

Revelation 22:17
Dave “Tud” Nance
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“A Spiritual Clipboard”

Last week, I noticed a clipboard abandoned on a table. 
It held things that might be useful, “just in case.” It occurred to me the Bible is like a clipboard.

It’s filled with spiritual “just in case” thoughts.

For instance: “Wisdom that descends from above” is “full of mercy…without partiality…without hypocrisy.” (James 3:17)

I need to hear that. It’s too easy to criticize. It’s not so easy to be merciful, without partiality or hypocrisy. At least for me.

God has written these thoughts, just in case. He knows I need them.

James 3:17
Dave “Tud” Nance

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“Beautiful Cover-up”

In India, women like to stain their feet and hands with a light, reddish-brown color. They call it Mehendi. It’s beautiful.

But there’s a reason for this fashion—the daily grime of living in poverty.

It’s a beautiful cover-up.

Spiritually, I beautifully cover-up my selfishness and pride under the color of the good that I do or the evil I avoid. 

But Jesus prefers that I see myself as He sees me: In the words of the old hymn: “Just as I Am”.

And then, He doesn’t merely cover my sins. He forgives them.

1 John 1:7-10
Dave “Tud” Nance

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“Even Better Than Before”

I had just bought a small birdhouse basket.  At home, I noticed a small natural gap in the wood.

So, I decided to use some carpenter’s glue and a small nail.

After the repair, I realized that the basket was stronger than it was originally.

And isn’t that how it is, in Christ? We’re filled with weaknesses, fears, and sinful habits in our thoughts as well as actions. But the Lamb of God redeems us, guides us in self improvement and repentance. 

He’s making us stronger than we were. Praise Him!

2 Peter 1:5-9
Dave “Tud” Nance

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“A Good Enough Pot”

My wife loves flowers of all sorts. And she sees beauty where I see little or nothing.

One day she planted a seedling in a really ugly blue plastic coffee can.

I asked her why that ugly can?

She explained: “When the flower is strong enough, I’ll re-plant it in a place that shows off its real beauty.”

Likewise, Paul suggested that our present sufferings aren’t even worthy to compare to the glory we’ll have in Him. (Romans 8:18)

If my life is ugly today, He’s promised that one day, in Him, it will be worth real beauty.

Romans 8:18
Dave “Tud” Nance

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“Bingham’s Squirrel”

My neighbor, 7 year old Bingham, wanted to have a squirrel eat out of her hand, but naturally, the squirrel was afraid, so wouldn’t come to her.

So she laid the food by the tree and waited at a distance. Every day. After a month, she waited a bit closer to the food, and moved closer each week.

Eventually, the squirrel (she named it Lucy) learned to trust her.

Likewise, maybe I’m pushing so hard, too hard, for what I want, what I need. I really need to learn to trust Jesus more, and go slowly.

John 16:12
Dave “Tud” Nance

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