“A Boring Drive”

A while back I was driving long distance. My book on tape had finished and there were no radio stations in range.
So, miles and miles of silence.

After a few miles my mind began drifting toward scripture. And I found myself focused on what it said, and what it meant.

When the music came back my thoughts left the scripture.

And then I realized: for me, if not for you, unfilled silence is a powerful way to claim Malachi’s promise: “And the Lord listened and heard them…who meditate on His name.”

Malachi 3:16

Dave “Tud” Nance
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“What’s My Part?”

As a kid, I dreamt of wealth, wisdom and fun! (Ok, not so much wisdom) Now being older, I dream of wealth, wisdom and fun!
But, these don’t seem to be happening for me. So, if my part in life isn’t wealth, wisdom and festivity—what is my part?

Well, might I be dreaming in the wrong direction?

Jesus said “Happy are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness”
Maybe, just maybe, my part in life is what I give rather than what I get! Is this wisdom? Is this happiness? Wealth too?

Matthew 5:6

Dave “Tud” Nance
To receive Open To Jesus Moments directly to your email, sign up here!

“Golf or Tennis”

I noticed when I cut into a tennis ball it’s completely empty. Yet, when I’ve cut golf balls they’re solid to the core.

I’ve also noticed that golf balls outdistance tennis balls every time.

Maybe, when I feel like my life is bouncing and not getting very far, Christ is only on the outer edge of my thoughts and my moment to moment decisions.

I need to allow Jesus to fill my life, fill it to the core. Possibly then I’ll be ready for the long distance, rather like a golf ball.

Psalm 119:11

Dave “Tud” Nance
To receive Open To Jesus Moments directly to your email, sign up here!


I saw a young child very happy, holding an ice cream cone. But, he tilted it and the ice cream plopped out.

You know what happened: he wailed as if he had stepped on a rusty nail.

And what about me? In my disappointments, failures and pains, do I become like that boy? Why shouldn’t I? Everything’s a disaster!

But as a spiritual adult, God’s given me a choice.

“Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God!” (Psalm 43:5)
It makes a difference.

Psalm 43:5

Dave “Tud” Nance
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“Lunch, Anyone?”

Over the years, I’ve helped with camps.  Some were Christian youth camps, some Boy Scout, others band camps.
Every day, the staff announced “Come, lunch is ready,” but there were always stragglers who ignored the call.
When they finally came, they got only the left-overs. They weren’t happy.
Similarly, “The Spirit and the Bride say, Come!”
Jesus reminds us to “Let whoever wants to, partake of the waters of life freely!”
So I remind myself daily to heed His invitation to the living waters. I won’t be happy with the left-overs of this world.

Revelation 22:17
Dave “Tud” Nance
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“A Memorial Highway”

“Isaac Hayes Memorial Highway” was the sign I saw on Interstate 40.

I believe he was a singer some years back, but I don’t remember any of his songs.

And that got me thinking.

Isaiah 35:8 predicted that God would create “a way, a highway. And it shall be called the Highway of Holiness.” Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life.”

The Jesus memorial highway: it’s God’s memorial to His eagerness. Eagerness to forgive me and to heal me, in spite of it all! 

Commitment to Jesus! Commitment to holiness! His way!

Isaiah 35:8
Dave “Tud” Nance

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“Chewy Vitamins”

Everybody needs vitamins. So my doctor says.

But, I don’t like swallowing pills the size of a quarter. So, someone came up with the brilliant idea of children’s chewy vitamins.

The brilliance is noticing something obvious — that un-taken medicine is wasted. So, make it enjoyable!

And as always, God had that good idea, long before any doctor.

The Bible says living for Jesus creates these things: “Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control.”

Like I wouldn’t want these?

Especially since life without Jesus ends only in these things: “hostility, fighting, jealousy, anger, rivalry, division.” (Galatians 5:19-23)

Like I wouldn’t want to avoid these?

My sin and selfishness is the disease. Jesus is the cure. And the cure tastes good! Just like the cure should!

Galatians 5:19-23
Dave “Tud” Nance

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“An Enjoyable Problem?”

Have you ever heard someone say something like: “Life’s an adventure”?

And I suppose I would agree, but I wonder if anyone has noticed that another word for that is “trouble.”

I mean, after all, who would pay to see an “action” movie where the hero didn’t have trouble with anything?

Even Superman has trouble with kryptonite (and, of course, problems with Lois Lane).

So, oddly enough, I sometimes pray for the ability to enjoy at least some of the troubles I have. After all, God has a purpose for my life — adventures and all. 

James 1:2
Dave “Tud” Nance

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“Just A Little Tint”

My aunt encouraged me to try my hand painting a landscape.
Why not start with the sky? So, I started with blue paint.

It was way too dark. Light blue didn’t work either –neither did lighter blue– in fact, nothing worked.

Then she suggested that I need to begin with pure white, adding just the ever-so-faintest amount of blue.

Touche’! Gorgeous!

And isn’t life with Jesus just this way?

Beginning with myself, life is way too dark. When I begin with Him, His light, life works much better.

Galatians 2:20
Dave “Tud” Nance

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