I suppose you’ve occasionally noticed the tremendous beauty that exists in the world. A flower. A sunset. The music of a mother’s lullaby!
Of course, it isn’t everywhere. And that’s simply the way it has to be, since if everything were beautiful, then we’d have no way to notice beauty when we see or hear it. After all, beauty is a comparison with something less beautiful.
But, I’ve asked myself why does beauty exist? And why are not all things beautiful?
As Psalm 27:4 suggests “…it is good to behold the beauty of the Lord.”
I’m convinced that beauty exists to draw me closer to God. If I’ll simply take a moment to admire it, I’m naturally led to admire the one who created it.
So beauty, like everyone and everything God creates, has a purpose. A beautiful purpose. So I pray that I pay attention or I’ll miss much of the world’s beauty—and the beauty in you!
Dave ‘Tud’ Nance