“A Twist Tie”

I use twist ties for lots of things–bread bags, computer wires that snake across my office, organizing loose keys, and so forth.

And, unfortunately, I sometimes treat people like twist-ties, looking mostly for what makes them useful.

But in my more spiritual moments I remember that people aren’t things. I need to love people, and focus my “using” on things that are, uhh, just things.

Paul said “I will gladly spend and be spent for you” I need to be more like that.

2 Cor. 12:15

Dave “Tud” Nance
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“He was Too Honest?”

As I left the theater, some people behind me were talking about a character in the movie, saying that “He was too honest to be trusted.”

My mental reaction to overhearing that was: “You’re kidding. Too honest to be trusted?”

But then I remembered that Jesus’ opponents said something very similar about him: “Teacher, we know that You say and teach rightly, and You do not show personal favoritism, but teach the way of God in truth.” (Luke 20:21)

Yet… they opposed Jesus.
Clearly, they knew better, but somehow didn’t want to do better.
I need to look at myself to make sure I’m not doing the same thing.

Luke 20:21

Dave “Tud” Nance
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“What A Knee!”

One day, I overheard heard a doctor tell a friend after surgery, “your knee’s beautiful.

To me, it was unsightly and swollen. But the doc was right.

I’m prone to think of beauty in a surface way. But the Bible speaks of a deeper attraction, of “the beauty of holiness.” (Psalm 29:2)

Thankfully, despite the fantastic beauty in our world, God sees past my scars, bruises and blunders. Past mine, and past yours.

Psalm 29:2

Dave “Tud” Nance
To receive Open To Jesus Moments directly to your email!

“A Boring Drive”

A while back I was driving long distance. My book on tape had finished and there were no radio stations in range.
So, miles and miles of silence.

After a few miles my mind began drifting toward scripture. And I found myself focused on what it said, and what it meant.

When the music came back my thoughts left the scripture.

And then I realized: for me, if not for you, unfilled silence is a powerful way to claim Malachi’s promise: “And the Lord listened and heard them…who meditate on His name.”

Malachi 3:16

Dave “Tud” Nance
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“Yellowstone or the Beach?”

“We were given a vacation to Yellowstone, but he preferred go to the beach.”

I overheard this conversation while I was standing in line at the grocery store. She won a drawing for a free vacation prize to Yellowstone National Park, but wasn’t really happy it.
She said “every time we saw something awesome, he brought up the fact that he had wanted to go to the beach.” It was really hard to enjoy at all.

Sometimes I notice myself doing this grumbling too. God has given me an awesome number of blessings, but rather frequently I manage to focus on something that isn’t quite as perfect as I want it to be.

How much more happy would I be if I actually paid attention to the many many blessing Jesus has already given me?
Then it would be a great day!

Proverbs 17:22: “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

Dave “Tud” Nance
To receive Open To Jesus Moments directly to your email, sign up here!

“What’s My Part?”

As a kid, I dreamt of wealth, wisdom and fun! (Ok, not so much wisdom) Now being older, I dream of wealth, wisdom and fun!
But, these don’t seem to be happening for me. So, if my part in life isn’t wealth, wisdom and festivity—what is my part?

Well, might I be dreaming in the wrong direction?

Jesus said “Happy are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness”
Maybe, just maybe, my part in life is what I give rather than what I get! Is this wisdom? Is this happiness? Wealth too?

Matthew 5:6

Dave “Tud” Nance
To receive Open To Jesus Moments directly to your email, sign up here!

“What ‘Speaks’ to You?”

The other day, a friend told me that his hobby “speaks to me!”
Another friend added, “that’s the way I feel at a NASCAR race!”

And yet, for me, my daily life has only a few moments of passion. It’s filled with every-day normal stuff—the “stuff” of life.
The day-in, day-out, over and over sunrise, sunset, teeth-brushing, traffic-light-waiting, bill paying-type experiences.

But truthfully, God is in even the smallest details. So I don’t need big things to make today a great day.

“Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10

Dave “Tud” Nance
To receive Open To Jesus Moments directly to your email, sign up here!

“The Ignorant Screamer”

My daughter has a healthy 9 month old son. He was smiling and giggling, when my daughter turned away from him to get the small ball he enjoys.
Instantly he began to scream with tears and contortions, unaware that she was giving him his favorite toy.

And instantly again, when she returned (with the ball) he returned to giggling smiles.

How often do I scream to God about my unendurable worries—all because I’m ignorant of what He’s doing for me now?

He’s working to bless me. Yet, I allow my ignorance to drive me into despair.

Jeremiah 17:7-8

Dave “Tud” Nance
To receive Open To Jesus Moments directly to your email, sign up here!

“Golf or Tennis”

I noticed when I cut into a tennis ball it’s completely empty. Yet, when I’ve cut golf balls they’re solid to the core.

I’ve also noticed that golf balls outdistance tennis balls every time.

Maybe, when I feel like my life is bouncing and not getting very far, Christ is only on the outer edge of my thoughts and my moment to moment decisions.

I need to allow Jesus to fill my life, fill it to the core. Possibly then I’ll be ready for the long distance, rather like a golf ball.

Psalm 119:11

Dave “Tud” Nance
To receive Open To Jesus Moments directly to your email, sign up here!

“The Dogs Acted Up”

I overheard a conversation in the food court where one person was telling about her recent Alaska vacation.

She tried her hand at driving a dog-sled, but the dogs were acting up. They wouldn’t go left or right when she turned them, only going where they wanted to.

“So, naturally, we got stuck!”

When life seems stuck, I begin to wonder if maybe I’m trying too hard to go where I want, rather than turning left or right as God intends.

Isaiah 53:6, “We are all like sheep, we’ve all gone astray.”

Isaiah 53:6

Dave “Tud” Nance
To receive Open To Jesus Moments directly to your email, sign up here!

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